Friday, April 10, 2020

Colourful Stars in Windows- Activity for Home

This post was originally published at -

Find additional information about this topic at: Waldorf Academy Toronto

There is a movement to display rainbows- which symbolize peace and serenity, hope and promise- in our windows at home to bring light and connection to all who walk by. Waldorf window stars have long been a favorite way to brighten our classrooms and homes, and in rainbow colors, we love how they contribute to the optimism of this movement. This is an activity that can be shared easily with little hands to bring happiness to our homes and community! Below we share this simple Waldorf window star tutorial with your families. Materials are available from our online shop 

Share your window star on Instagram and tag @waldorf_academy


– kite paper
– glue stick or glue
– scissors or paper cutter (if you need to resize your kite paper)


– Step 1. Resize your kite paper if needed. The paper we used was 6.3″ x 6.3″, and we cut into quarters so that we could make smaller stars to fit our window space.
– Step 2. Arrange your prepared pieces of paper into the order that you want your star points to be- you will have eight points, so you need eight pieces of paper!


– Step 3. Fold your first square in half


– Step 4. With your paper still folded in half, fold in half again


– Step 5. Open up your paper completely, and then fold one corner into the middle


– Step 6. Repeat step 5 with each remaining corner

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– Step 7. Fold in two sides so they meet in a straight line at the center


– Step 8. Repeat steps 3 through 7 for remaining papers


– Step 9. Begin gluing your star points together


– Step 10. Continue working around your star, gluing each at the center


– Step 11. Make sure your star is dry, and then hang in your window to spread beauty, light and love!

Thank you to the Denver Waldorf School for posting this tutorial.
Truth, beauty and goodness are core tenets of Waldorf education. We surround ourselves with wonder and beauty to awaken our spirits and inspire our learning. During this time of social distancing in the world all around us, now more than ever, we need to lean into the beauty of our everyday life to connect us as human beings.

Read more concepts on this topic at: Toronto Waldorf Education

If you want to know more about our educational programs contact us

Waldorf Academy
250 Madison Ave, Toronto, ON M4V 2W6
